Meal Screen

We highly recommend viewing this short video to learn the fastest ways to enter foods.

This screen shows a list of food entries you entered so far on the iPhone and the website, and allows to add new food entries.

Browsing a large food database like ours is not really practical, with MyNetDiary's instant search you can get to the food you need much faster. Food search in MyNetDiary is very intelligent, it takes into account food popularity and automatically corrects typical typos. Also, MyNetDiary remembers the food and food searches you did before and shows them at the top in blue font, as soon as you start typing. Food entry in MyNetDiary is radically faster and easier than in any other calorie counter, mobile or web-based.

Barcode Scanner

Simply scan the barcode and if found, the food label will be displayed. If the barcode is not found, you can search by food name, and if found, the barcode number will be remembered for future use. If the barcode is not found, MyNetDiary Pro provides PhotoFood Service - send us the photos of the food and its food label, and scan the barcode - we will enter them for you. Barcode scanning requires Internet connection.

Food Favorites

The Favorites toolbar button (that looks like a star) allows to quickly pick foods based on your previous typical food selections for this meal.

Food Menu

Food Menu, displayed in the top right corner of the screen, provides additional tools, such as custom foods, copying foods from another day, and list editing - you can move, copy, delete, or change time for several food entries at once.

Custom Foods

If you are sure that your food is not in our database, for example, you just had your very special meal, you can use the Custom Food screeen to enter its nutritional information (or use PhotoFood Service in MyNetDiary Pro) and then immediately save a new food entry with it. Alternatively, you can get to this Custom Food screen when you do search, and your food is not found.

To edit a custom food, go to any food entry with this food and then tap the edit toolbar button at the bottom of the Entry screen.


If the meal has two or more foods and you often eat the same foods together, you can create a "recipe" with the toolbar button at the bottom (that looks like a glass and a plate), so the next time you can search and select the recipe, without entering individual foods again.

Deleting Food Entries

You can delete a food entry by swiping it from the right - you'll see the red "Delete" button. Or, you can go to the Food Entry screen, and then tap the Trashcan toolbar icon at the bottom.