Olive Tapenade

Olive Tapenade

  • 10 min Prep
  • 4 servings Total
  • 277g Weight
101 cals/

7 ingredients

20 olives Olives kalamata pitted
1/2 cup Artichoke Hearts
3/4 cup Basil fresh or raw herb
1 1/2 tablespoon Olive oil
1 tablespoon Lemon juice raw
1 tsp Lemon peel or zest raw
1 clove Garlic raw


Place all ingredients in a small blender or food processor. Pulse about 15 times, until the mixture is well blended yet has some chunks.

Served with pita bread and whole grain crackers and garnished with fresh basil in recipe photo (not included in recipe analysis).

If you follow a gluten-free diet, then try with gluten free crackers or fresh veggies.