MyNetDiary's Premium Recipes feature offers hundreds of dietitian-approved recipes

  • 2 Minutes Read
Joanna Kriehn
Joanna Kriehn, MS, RDN, CDCES - Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES)

Are you looking for tasty dietitian-approved recipes to help you lose weight and reach your health goals? Then look no further than MyNetDiary's Premium Recipes collection. No matter your eating plan or preferences, the nutritious options abound!

Dietitian-approved recipes

Get cooking with dietitian-approved recipes already loaded in the app

Our team of in-house dietitians designed Premium Recipes with your health in mind. You will find whole-food-based recipes that meet various eating preferences and nutrition plans.

You can open Premium Recipes from your Dashboard or while logging foods from one of the food tabs. Just look for the chef hat icon.

At a glance, you'll see the calories/serving, serving count per recipe, prep time required, and cooking time needed. Enjoy eating healthy but don't have time to spend hours in the kitchen? The majority of the recipes take 20 minutes or less to prepare!

The robust search function makes it easy to sort recipes based on preferences

Search Premium Recipes by Meal Type, Cooking Style, Course, Diet Type, etc. Robust filtering lets you search for recipes containing or excluding specific ingredients- super convenient when you only have chicken handy or must avoid such ingredients as gluten or dairy.

Modify any dietitian-approved recipe to meet your needs

Perhaps you are out of an ingredient or want a slightly different flavor profile in your finished product. No worries! It takes little effort to customize by swapping out a few ingredients while automatically recalculating nutritional content. Just follow these steps to customize an existing recipe:

  1. Open the Premium recipe you want to customize.
  2. Tap on the ingredient you want to modify. A message box will appear asking "Would you like to Copy & Customize this recipe?" Select "Yes."
  3. Rename the modified recipe, add or remove ingredients, alter cooking instructions, etc.

Now, where did that customized recipe go?

Once you've customized a Premium Recipe, it is saved among your custom recipes. The custom recipes tab appears in food searches and logging. Simply scroll across and tap the bowl and spoon icon. You will now see the "Recipes" screen containing a list of your customized recipes.

Tip: When you copy and customize a Premium Recipe, it is treated and saved as if it is a customized recipe. The original Premium Recipe will still appear in Premium Recipes if you want to use or view it again.

Calories and nutrients at your fingertips

All Premium Recipes have been thoroughly analyzed for calorie, macronutrient, and micronutrient composition. Total servings per recipe show in the recipe overview. Nutrition information is listed per serving. Tap on "Food Label" to view the calories, macros, and micronutrients (such as iron, vitamin B12, etc.) per serving, and a food label will appear. See the nutrition label for the Taos Tortilla Soup recipe below.

Share a recipe with a friend

There are several ways to share these dietitian-approved recipes with family and friends. To share a recipe via email or text message, just tap "Share" while the recipe is on screen.

Premium Menus available in addition to Premium Recipes

Mapping out your meals upfront saves time and helps you stay within your calorie budget. MyNetDiary's Premium Menus feature combines the dietitian-approved recipes into nutritious calorie-controlled meals. Menus lets you enjoy nutrient-dense food while reducing the stress of throwing something together at the last minute.

Check out this video for an overview of the Menus feature and learn how to access these meal ideas from the "Coach" tab in the app.

Happy cooking!

Additional Resources

Leverage MyNetDiary's robust food database with these tips for searching basic and staple foods
Import recipes to your MyNetDiary account for easy and accurate tracking
MyNetDiary's Premium Menus and Meal Planner features help you build healthy, filling meals for weight loss
MyNetDiary Recipe editor: Create a recipe from scratch or edit an existing recipe

Still new to MyNetDiary? Learn more today by downloading the app for FREE.

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May 30, 2022
Disclaimer: The information provided here does not constitute medical advice. If you are seeking medical advice, please visit your healthcare provider or medical professional.

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