Julie Martel

Lost 71 lb (35%) and maintained after 492 days

Before MyNetDiary
My life changed.
My life is beautiful!
I am beautiful!!!

What made you decide to lose weight? What was the moment that made it "real"?

In spring of 2011, I took a drive with my lover during a beautiful sunny day. Repeatedly, I noticed that he looked at girls dressed in small tight dresses on the street. This got me thinking.

At the time, I didn't have a flattering shape. I was the big person in my office. I was very unhappy. I had horrible clothes sizes, 18-20. I had no confidence. I was jealous. I was afraid of losing my place. I could not look me in a mirror because I hated my image! I was trying to convince myself that I am a big person. What a lie!!! How could I feel beautiful when I weighed 202 pounds?

I am intelligent person. I manage all my projects, my studies. I am always one of the best candidates. However, in looking at my body, I was a failure! I wanted to be beautiful. I wanted to please others, and my lover especially. I wanted to be in shape and healthy.

Enough is enough! When we returned to the house, I mentioned to my lover that my life is going to change and that he will have to help me. The next day, I began the most beautiful project of my life!

What diets or programs have you tried in the past? What results did you see with those?

In spring of 2011, I took a drive with my lover during a beautiful sunny day. Repeatedly, I noticed that he looked at girls dressed in small tight dresses on the street. This got me thinking.

At the time, I didn't have a flattering shape. I was the big person in my office. I was very unhappy. I had horrible clothes sizes, 18-20. I had no confidence. I was jealous. I was afraid of losing my place. I could not look me in a mirror because I hated my image! I was trying to convince myself that I am a big person. What a lie!!! How could I feel beautiful when I weighed 202 pounds?

I am intelligent person. I manage all my projects, my studies. I am always one of the best candidates. However, in looking at my body, I was a failure! I wanted to be beautiful. I wanted to please others, and my lover especially. I wanted to be in shape and healthy.

Enough is enough! When we returned to the house, I mentioned to my lover that my life is going to change and that he will have to help me. The next day, I began the most beautiful project of my life!

Tell us how you have made progress so far. What specific changes did you make to your daily routine and lifestyle to achieve success? What strategies did you employ to make calorie tracking work for you?

I tried several regimes in the past: Thin to life, proteins, etc. I've lost weight but I have always returned it quickly. And how much money I spent!!!

Tell us how you have made progress so far. What specific changes did you make to your daily routine and lifestyle to achieve success? What strategies did you employ to make calorie tracking work for you?

At first, I started sports. I started by walking, then gradually I incorporated running (4-5x a week). At the beginning, I walked one minute and ran 30 seconds. Gradually, I increased my time and my speed. I also incorporated exercises for my core. Presently, I can run easily 15 km. I bought a watch allowing me to calculate the spent calories. In calculating my calories expended, I found the need to work very hard and think about what I chose to eat. For example, when I run 10 km, I burn about 630 calories, which corresponds to the calories of four chocolate cookies.

Food choices are the second change that I made in my lifestyle. I started to read food labels. I weigh my food, as this is very important. Wow, what a surprise to see that I ate 2 to 3 times too big of portions! I started to realize the quantity and the quality of the food that I had in my mouth. I have reduced the number of calories I eat every day in order to lose weight. I eat all food groups, but in small portions. We must choose foods wisely in order to not be hungry.

The first weeks, I took a little more time to incorporate my foods in MyNetDiary. Over time, I learned from the experience I got from the application. I can now keep track of the number of calories consumed. I use MyNetDiary on my desktop computer, at home, on my iPod...Everywhere!

How has MyNetDiary been instrumental in your achievements so far?

MyNetDiary is an instrument to control the calories eaten and spent. It is also a source of motivation because it allows us to track our progress.

What roadblocks did you face while losing weight?

I have no particular problem in my weight loss. I always lost between one and two pounds per week. It must be said that I am meticulous and a perfectionist.

When did you start seeing results? What will be your definition of success?

After only few days I started to see results. Success is to be able to maintain my healthy weight in the future.

What do you do when you start feeling yourself slipping?

For me, I increased my physical activity. I can't spoil all the happiness that I have in my life for two minutes of pleasure to eat a dessert or cookies. I must concentrate all day on my goals.

What have been the biggest improvements in your life since losing weight?

My life changed. My life is beautiful! I am beautiful!!! I am in peace with myself. I found my self-respect. I am proud of me. I have confidence in me.

I wear fashionable clothes. I buy the clothes which I like and not the clothes which are made for me!

I overflow with health. Now, people asks me to attend sports activities. People have a different approach with me. It looks like I gained some respect. My life is so much more pleasant!

How long have you kept off your lost weight?

I've maintained my weight since March 2012.

Please share with the MyNetDiary Community your top three tips to help them on their journeys!

  • Do not stay at home and do nothing. Get out and walk and move. During this time, we dpn't open the refrigerator door!
  • Let restaurants be. Bring your lunch to work. You will have control on your calories!
  • Plan your meals in advance and cook. Prepared meals are often less good for your health.

Carrie Hammond

Lost 103 lb (40%) and maintained after 616 days

Before MyNetDiary
I love having a desire to go out and experience new things without worrying about if I'm too fat to do something.

What made you decide to lose weight? What was the moment that made it "real"?

For a while, I knew I was unhappy being obese. I knew that my weight was dictating how I lived my life - what experiences I would or would not do, what situations I chose to avoid because I was too heavy, etc. Every year on my birthday (in October) I told myself that I would change my life, but it never happened. In winter of 2010 I read a book - the main character had been known as "Fat Addie" in her school years. I identified with her because I had always felt like the "fat friend" within my circle of friends in school. Her weight and subsequent transformation as she lost the weight was not a main focus of the book, but it was so subtle, it inspired me to do the same.

I started researching calorie counters and joined a gym. There were two moments that made it "real" - the first was my first day on my new plan - and seeing how many calories MyNetDiary recommended I consume. At the end of the first day, I wasn't hungry by any means, but I realized how badly I had been treating my body when I compared it to how much I was actually consuming before. The second "real" moment was the day I showed up to the gym for my fitness evaluation with a personal trainer. My body fat % was over 46%...almost half of me was fat. That's when I knew I would be transforming my life.

What diets or programs have you tried in the past? What results did you see with those?

In winter of 2010 I read a book - the main character had been known as "Fat Addie" in her school years. Her weight and subsequent transformation as she lost the weight was not a main focus of the book, but it was so subtle, it inspired me to do the same. I started researching calorie counters and joined a gym.

    There were two moments that made it "real"
  • the first was my first day on my new plan - and seeing how many calories MyNetDiary recommended I consume. At the end of the first day, I wasn't hungry by any means, but I realized how badly I had been treating my body when I compared it to how much I was actually consuming before.
  • The second "real" moment was the day I showed up to the gym for my fitness evaluation with a personal trainer. My body fat % was over 46%...almost half of me was fat. That's when I knew I would be transforming my life.

What diets or programs have you tried in the past? What results did you see with those?

In the past, and I mean WAY in the past, I tried the Atkins diet. I lost about 20 pounds rather quickly, but soon learned it was not a sustainable lifestyle. I've also unofficially tried Weight Watchers, after getting my hands on a set of their points books from a friend. I didn't lose much following that plan, and quickly got frustrated with all the calculations and conversions, etc. I didn't want a specific plan or formula requiring a lot of extra work. I just wanted to be healthy.

Tell us how you have made progress so far. What specific changes did you make to your daily routine and lifestyle to achieve success? What strategies did you employ to make calorie tracking work for you?

To date, I've lost about 105 pounds. I started with small changes - eating fewer calories and exercising. I measured everything because I was so determined to make it work this time. I didn't want to have any excuses. I started going to the gym three days per week and slowly worked my way up to 5-6 days per week.

How has MyNetDiary been instrumental in your achievements so far?

MyNetDiary was a huge part of my success. I installed it on my smartphone, my iPad, and set it as one of the home tabs in my browser - no matter where I was, I was able to track what I was putting in my body…again, leaving no opportunity for excuses. I also loved that MyNetDiary did all the calculations for me - it automatically adjusted how many calories I could eat, I rarely had to enter my own foods because so many were already in the database. Calorie tracking took no time at all; I just planned what I would eat, entered it into the app and looked at the bottom line to make sure I wasn't overeating.

What roadblocks did you face while losing weight?

Roadblocks are everywhere! Social events with friends and family were always the most difficult where snacks and comfort foods are plentiful. I travelled a bit in 2011, where it's hard to control where and what you're eating. I didn't deprive myself of anything, but worked hard on controlling portions, and making sure I got right back "on the wagon" when I returned.

When did you start seeing results? What will be your definition of success?

As heavy as I was, I started seeing results on the scale after a week or two…the pounds came off pretty easily in the beginning. Now that I have surpassed my original goal weight (and really close to my new one), it has been more and more difficult to continue to get results. My body is still changing as I build more muscle and burn more fat, but I know that doesn't always translate to numbers on the scale. While I already feel successful, my definition of success is maintaining a healthy lifestyle long-term - eating healthy and exercising is now part of my life, just like working and sleeping. I want to look and feel fit and strong, not just thin.

What do you do when you start feeling yourself slipping?

I have slipped a few times, mainly when travelling as mentioned earlier. I allow myself some slippage, but when I feel like I'm slipping a little too far, I hit the gym extra hard. When I think of slipping, I generally think of eating poorly. When I hit the gym for an extra long workout or a long run after eating poorly, my body feels sluggish and sore. That's a quick reminder for me to get back on track and continue my journey.

What have been the biggest improvements in your life since losing weight?

ENERGY! I no longer crave days where I could lay on the couch or in bed for hours and watch TV. I love having a desire to go out and experience new things without worrying about if I'm too fat to do something. I no longer have anxiety about things like fitting in an airplane seat or riding a roller coaster. I don't break a sweat as soon as I walk out the door in the summer. I love not being limited on where I can shop for clothes, I can find something in my size almost anywhere!

How long have you kept off your lost weight?

I'm still losing, but it has been 19 months since I started my journey to a healthier life.

Please share with the MyNetDiary Community your top three tips to help them on their journeys!

  1. Take baby steps! Any drastic change right away can lead to frustration and possibly failure. Make small changes to your daily routine…they really can make a BIG difference!
  2. Mix things up! Don't get stuck in a rut - try new recipes with new foods (especially fruits and vegetables), try new workouts - don't rely on cardio alone to get you results. Lift weights, try yoga, and dance! Working out really can be fun - you just have to find what you enjoy.
  3. Don't give up! Throughout any weight loss journey, anyone is bound to have setbacks - small gains, plateaus, etc. Accept them and move on, don't let it stop you on your journey.

Alun Bevan

Lost 117 lb (38%) and maintained after 968 days

Before MyNetDiary
Before I started this journey, I never really knew about calories and how many I burned or consumed a day.

What diets or programs have you tried in the past? What results did you see with those?

One of the main factors for me to start my weight journey was that in 2010 I took a long hard look at my life and didn't like what I saw. I was obese (308 lbs), all my clothes were way too tight, and I felt uncomfortable when going for job interviews. If I didn't like myself why would someone else like and employ me?

Tell us how you have made progress so far. What specific changes did you make to your daily routine and lifestyle to achieve success? What strategies did you employ to make calorie tracking work for you?

I've not tried another form of dieting; this is the first time I've ever tried to diet.

Tell us how you have made progress so far. What specific changes did you make to your daily routine and lifestyle to achieve success? What strategies did you employ to make calorie tracking work for you?

Before I started this journey, I never really knew about calories and how many I burned or consumed a day; now I'm always looking on the back of food packets to see how many calories are in food items. I plan my meals throughout the day that fit into my calorie count.

I'm also a lot more active. I go for a walk every day; we've just had a new addition to the family, in the form of a dog called Chilli who keeps me active when I'm out walking.

How has MyNetDiary been instrumental in your achievements so far?

I've found that MyNetDiary has provided me with the tools and mathematical formulas I need to know in order for me to lose the weight, and more importantly to keep the weight off. If you keep to the recommended calorie intake on MyNetDiary you will see the weight come off.

What roadblocks did you face while losing weight?

I still struggle on family get-togethers, as they usually involve eating out. I still crave lots of foods, Indian, Chinese and chips, but I try and stick to my calorie count.

When did you start seeing results? What will be your definition of success?

I started seeing results after six months of dieting. I could walk further, had more energy and felt more confident when out in public.

To date I've lost over 100 pounds. I've dropped from a tight-fit 44-inch waist to a 36-inch waist. I've had to buy a whole new wardrobe; my definition of success is when I hit my goal weight of 170 lbs.

What do you do when you start feeling yourself slipping?

When I start slipping I'll weigh myself, enter my weight into MyNetDiary and will reset my diet plan to mark a new session on my journey to a healthier life.

What have been the biggest improvements in your life since losing weight?

I can buy clothes from a normal clothes shop. I can walk for miles without getting breathless. I feel more comfortable and confident when I'm out with my family.

How long have you kept off your lost weight?

I'm in my third year of my weight loss plan, my ultimate goal weight is to reach 170 lbs., which I hope to reach by Christmas.

Please share with the MyNetDiary Community your top three tips to help them on their journeys!

  • Stick to your calorie count goal
  • Keep active
  • Be true to yourself

Mattias Sandstrom

Lost 33 lb (16%) and maintained after 1354 days

Before MyNetDiary
MyNetDiary really helped me adjust my style of living

What made you decide to lose weight? What was the moment that made it "real"?

In late 2008, I went on a trip to Ecuador, Galapagos and Peru. Getting home, seeing the pictures I was shocked to see how much extra weight I had put on during the last 20 years! "No, that cannot be me," I thought. I climbed on the scales to see that I was now at 93 kg (at 190 cm long it was not a complete disaster). I then decided to get rid of the extra 15 kg that had crept on during the years as a New Year's resolution for 2009. I started in January 2009 with the goal of 85 kg for the year of 2009, a goal that was later adjusted to 78 kg when I noticed how easy it was to lose weight and the changes in quality of life.

What diets or programs have you tried in the past? What results did you see with those?

None. This was my first attempt at weight loss.

Tell us how you have made progress so far. What specific changes did you make to your daily routine and lifestyle to achieve success? What strategies did you employ to make calorie tracking work for you?

Starting in January 2009, I aimed for 85 kg in July 2009. However, that goal was achieved pretty fast and was adjusted to 80 kg. By the end of 2009, I was at 78 kg. We were two on this project, as my girlfriend was on a "collateral diet" - not actively counting calories but with my reduced intake she got smaller portions and eventually went from 65 kg to 55 kg, so we were two on this journey, which was really good!

As an engineer I love science, math and good tools. We bought a couple of good kitchen scales to measure ingredients, and after a couple of weeks we had a pretty good feeling for the normal food amounts we were eating. While cooking, everything is weighed and put down on a PostItem It note for later entry into MyNetDiary, so you didn't have to be bothered by that during cooking. Living in Sweden, most of the food brands we have here are not available in the food database, but we are able to use standard foods like fruits and vegetables and added our other standard food items.

The presentation of calories left for the day is a perfect way to make active choices - "a glass of wine or a beer?", "should I take a banana or an apple", "if I do some extra exercise I will be able to enjoy a burger tonight". Perfect way to eat normally, but less!

How has MyNetDiary been instrumental in your achievements so far?

During the initial year it was with me everywhere and used at all meals. Now I track my weight (not daily but weekly) and use it as an "emergency tool" after vacations.

What roadblocks did you face while losing weight?

The first months it was easy to eat too much during lunches, thus ruining the whole day. Better to eat a salad and then take an apple during the afternoon than having a too-large lunch.

When did you start seeing results? What will be your definition of success?

After about a month I started seeing results, and I remember Easter of 2009 where my family started noticing as well. I think that in July I was down to the first goal of 85 kg and then later on during the year down to 78 kg.

What do you do when you start feeling yourself slipping?

Adjusting to normal routines after vacations is now normally the only thing that is required. The year actively losing weight created new routines that have stayed with us since. If a couple of extra kg are staying around my waist too long, I start using MyNetDiary for a couple of weeks to get rid of it.

What have been the biggest improvements in your life since losing weight?

Losing the extra weight made it possible to start running in late 2009, and my girlfriend (previously actively playing soccer) felt that she needed to run with me. Since then we have completed several 5km, 10km and half-marathons per year with personal-bests: 5km/24:01, 10km/49:30 and 21km/1h 58min, with my girlfriend somewhat faster.

My definition of success is that I am still around 78 kg without active calorie counting, which means that MyNetDiary really helped me adjust my style of living so I am able to run 25 km or more per week and feeling much more healthier than before.

How long have you kept off your lost weight?

Since late 2009, I have stayed between 77-82 kg with little or no effort. After vacations, I tend to have put on some extra weight, but getting home and resuming to normal life those extras have become manageable. After our recent trip to the US, we were training for a race and I needed to get 3 kg off pretty fast so I resumed calorie counting using MyNetDiary. It only took about three weeks to get back to 77 kg.

Please share with the MyNetDiary Community your top three tips to help them on their journeys!

  • Get support from someone you really care about!
  • It is better to overestimate calories that underestimating them! Feeling hungry for an afternoon won't kill you.
    For example, I configured a "standard lunch" based on the Swedish FDA statistics for a standard lunch and a standard diner as 950 calories. If I had a lunch where I wasn't able to calculate the calories, I used this as a "punishment lunch," both reducing the rest of the intake during the day and as a reminder that it is better to know what you eat.
    Same with pizza - define a standard "worst-case" pizza and use that always - don't try to guess the calories based on thin crust, less cheese etc! Pizza is bad food and should be considered so also from a calorie perspective! Also set your activity level to "sedentary" – don't fool yourself!
  • Practice on making good decisions for what you put in your month. Use the "Calories left" value to make smart decisions on what you put in your mouth. How to know what is best? Try to find a magazine that focuses on how normal people (i.e. non-athletes) exercise and not magazines how you should train to become the next Arnold. Magazines for normal people have (at least here in Sweden) articles on healthy food and exercises that normal people can do! Choose "Running" or "Runner's World" over "Muscle & Fitness" or "MuscleMag International". The Swedish editions of both magazines have great articles on food and also ways to get you started exercising in small steps, like "be able to run 5km in 8 weeks".

Vicki Helms

Lost 66 lb (32%) and maintained after 404 days

Before MyNetDiary
Having MyNetDiary on my phone has been a great asset. I never have an excuse not to log something or forget to put something down.

What made you decide to lose weight? What was the moment that made it "real"?

I had turned 50 and the littlest things were difficult. Walking stairs, running/playing with the grandkids and the realization, I'm 50, and it's only going to move even quicker and I wanted to enter my older years in shape enough to meet the challenges of being older. I also want to be able to do things I have not been able to do, horseback riding, zip line, etc.

What diets or programs have you tried in the past? What results did you see with those?

Oh man, what haven't I tried is the real question. Over the past 40 years, I have tried everything from the "cabbage soup diet," to Aids (remember the candies you eat with hot water?), Atkins, Formu 3, to name a few. Sure, I would see weight loss, but those kind of diets just were not sustainable for me. When I would fall off the wagon, so to speak, I would gain it all back and then some.

Tell us how you have made progress so far. What specific changes did you make to your daily routine and lifestyle to achieve success? What strategies did you employ to make calorie tracking work for you?

Since May 2011, I have lost 100 pounds. The major changes made this time were tracking everything that I eat. I also had to include exercise. Those two components together, I believe, have made all of the difference in the world. Having MyNetDiary on my phone has been a great asset. I never have an excuse not to log something or forget to put something down. If you ever go back into my logs, you will see I'm not always the best eater, but I do attempt at staying within my calorie range. I do have setbacks and have seen a couple of 2500 – 4000 calorie days! One other important thing that helped me is finding someone to be accountable to. Knowing people are watching you really seems to put a little added fire in the flame!

How has MyNetDiary been instrumental in your achievements so far?

MyNetDiary has made it so easy to keep track of everything. Even now, being right at my goal, I track. I cannot picture a future where I will not be watching what I eat. And MyNetDiary has so many foods in the library already, so it wasn't too difficult to track. And it's easy to add foods.

What roadblocks did you face while losing weight?

Wow, the first major roadblock was just setting my mind to do it this time. Determining that this is NOT a diet, but a lifestyle change, was difficult. And realizing that when I reach my goal, it's not a free pass to eat whatever and whenever. Sometimes family have been a roadblock. Oh, just one won't hurt you! Or, you should be able to splurge once in awhile. (and I do). But splurging everyday would not cut it. Pushing myself to exercise is a big one. Now it's just second nature, like breathing. I cannot believe I waited so long to start.

When did you start seeing results? What will be your definition of success?

The scale told me pretty quickly that I was dropping pounds, but it took a few weeks to begin noticing major differences in clothes and how I felt overall. My definition of success will be when I can maintain. I'm not done. This is a work in progress. I have been a yo-yo for so long (up down, up down) that if I am still at this weight (which I plan to be!!) in May 2013, that will definitely be a boost for me! That has never happened in my entire life. I have always been an obese individual, even as a child. So here I go! I plan to hang on to this victory for the rest of my life.

What do you do when you start feeling yourself slipping?

Oh, I have slipped on occasion, that's for sure. One main thing I do is not let it take over my thinking. In the past I would start binging and say, "Oh well, I've already ate this, it won't hurt anymore to eat more," and I would. One day would turn into another, and then another, and then another. You get the idea. I would keep changing my acceptable weight marker. If I said I was not going to go over 185 and before I knew it I was 190; then 195 would be my next acceptable goal. Now on days I HOG out, the next morning, I am working harder than ever at the gym! Walking extra during the day! And I tell myself that I will NOT be defeated and I will NOT quit!

What have been the biggest improvements in your life since losing weight?

Health is the big improvement. I have so much more energy. Stairs are not a big issue like they were before. I don't get rid of the arthritis in my knees, but having the weight off has been such a bonus. The way people look at me now. There really is a difference being obese vs. thin. People treat me so different and when I am in a restaurant and I'm being very picky with how they make my meal, I'm still amazed that they call me thin or skinny. And of course, I have gone from a size 20 to size 6. I have never been this small in my entire elementary, teenage or adult life. I actually have a couple of size 4's in my closet that fit! I probably haven't been a size 4 since I was 4!

How long have you kept off your lost weight?

I'm still new at having the weight off, but going on 3 months now. In May 2013, I will say one year, in 2014, two years, etc. Just watch me!

Please share with the MyNetDiary Community your top three tips to help them on their journeys!

  • First, determine in your mind nothing is going to stop you!
  • Second, log everything. I came across a cute little saying and I printed it and keep it on my wall at work, at home and in my wallet:
    If you bite it, write it;
    If you snack it, track it;
    If you nibble it, scribble it;
    if you hog it, log it!
    Grab MyNetDiary or your pencil before your utensil!!!
    (MyNetDiary added by me!)
  • And lastly, add some kind of exercise. Do what you can do. Start small, which I did and worked my way up. I believe that really is so important to keeping your body healthy and running smooth. All of the benefits to your heart, lungs, and muscles are so important, especially as our body is aging.
    I really wish I would have found MyNetDiary early on!
    I really believe that if I can do it – anyone can!

Paul Reynolds

Lost 50lb (22%) and maintained after 345 days

Before MyNetDiary
The ability to track using MyNetDiary has been so important.

What made you decide to lose weight? What was the moment that made it "real"?

I've tried to lose weight several times before but have never been able to sustain the effort – even when I got to my goal weight it wouldn't last. I had wanted to lose weight for a while and had not been able to summon the motivation, but this time around there were several motivating factors. The first was medical, in particular my cholesterol reading which showed I was beginning to put myself at real risk for heart disease – that was the latest in a long line of wake-up calls. Also, I want to be around for my kids (currently ages 10 and 6), and to be able to play with them. I also thought that as a Christian, I was setting a terrible example, not just for my kids, but friends and acquaintances too – some people are very heavy because of health/gland issues, but I wasn't – I was very heavy purely and simply because I ate much too much.

What diets or programs have you tried in the past? What results did you see with those?

I've not been on a bunch of different diets – most of them seemed too "faddish" – i.e. they'd help you lose weight but they weren't sustainable, they weren't a lifestyle change, just a shortcut to temporary weight loss.

Tell us how you have made progress so far. What specific changes did you make to your daily routine and lifestyle to achieve success? What strategies did you employ to make calorie tracking work for you?

The first thing I tried was the "eat less, exercise more diet", which is to say I just thought to myself, "How hard can this be? If I eat less and I exercise more, I'll lose weight...right?". The first time I tried this I crash-dieted and lost about 50 lbs., only to find myself gaunt-looking but with a little pot belly and not much muscle. Successive attempts without the help of a system of some kind never lasted, as I could never come close to quantifying how much was too much, and what kinds of food were OK versus bad, and so on.

One thing that did work for me though was Weight Watchers, as it offered a balanced way of losing weight along with the accountability of weekly weigh-ins, and I built myself a spreadsheet to help track what I was eating. However, I simply got out of the habit of tracking the points on everything I ate, and in the end the weight just piled back on.

Tell us how you have made progress so far. What specific changes did you make to your daily routine and lifestyle to achieve success? What strategies did you employ to make calorie tracking work for you?

I've made a number of lifestyle changes that have helped. The first was seeing a nutritionist. She helped me to understand the balance I needed between fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and educated me as to the types of foods I should be focusing on. Bizarre as it sounded, I wasn't eating enough fat. So, I've introduced more polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats into my diet while keeping clear of the saturated fats (which reminds me – I'm due a handful of almonds...excuse me a moment...that's better).

Other than eating a handful of almonds every day, I now use more olive oil in cooking, I've been eating more salmon and tuna, and have been getting into avocados and hummus. For example, I didn't realize it but I'd been eating a LOT of zero-fat yogurts thinking that was a good thing, and not realizing that they contain a lot of carbohydrates and not much protein, so they were helping me put ON weight! One little change I made then was to switch to zero-fat Greek yogurt: high in protein, low in carbohydrates.

How has MyNetDiary been instrumental in your achievements so far?

MyNetDiary has been (and continues to be) crucial for my success because it enables me to easily track everything I eat, including all my exercise. Getting a detailed nutritional breakdown is invaluable, as I try to get the best balance of fat/carb/protein, and I ensure I'm getting all the vitamins and minerals I need. The iPod Touch app has been especially important for me so that wherever I am, I can input what I'm eating. The reports and graphs are really useful for providing a visual indication of my progress.

What roadblocks did you face while losing weight?

    Roadblocks to losing weight:
  • My food addiction. It's the reason I've needed MyNetDiary in the first place, and it doesn't go away. I just try to manage it, which is why the ability to track using MyNetDiary has been so important.
  • Three times during the six months it took me to lose most of the weight, my weight loss tapered off for no apparent reason. I was still well overweight, and I was eating only what I was supposed to be eating, and yet the weight leveled off or even increased slightly. I had to remain patient and keep reminding myself that that's just how the body works – weight loss can happen in fits and starts, even if your eating and exercise habits are consistent.
  • Well-meaning and kind people who'd tell me – 20-25 lbs. before goal weight, that I shouldn't or didn't need to lose any more weight.

When did you start seeing results? What will be your definition of success?

I started seeing results immediately, because once I started using MyNetDiary I was rigorous about keeping to my calorie limit, which meant I was eating 500-1,000 calories less than before every day! I have several definitions of success. The first was getting to my goal weight, which I achieved in March. The second is to keep the weight off for longer than I've ever done before, which would mean keeping it off for six months – I'm five months in now and so far so good. Ultimately, my definition of success will be to keep the weight off permanently!

What do you do when you start feeling yourself slipping?

When I start feeling myself slipping, it's usually because I rationalize to myself that one dessert, or even one binge, isn't a big deal. I just have to remind myself that it never stops there with me – that one binge always leads to another, and another, and before I know it I've put on a few pounds, I'm feeling fat, and it just gets worse from there. Now that I'm at my goal weight it pays to remind myself of how good I feel now, physically and emotionally, compared to how I was feeling before.

What have been the biggest improvements in your life since losing weight?

    The biggest improvements in my life since losing weight have been:
  • Massive increase in energy levels, which helps with pretty much everything, including obvious things like the ability to play with my kids and be very hands-on when coaching my son's baseball team
  • My wife appreciates it!
  • Less worry about getting sick. There's heart disease on both sides of my family, and being very overweight made me worry about getting heart disease through not looking after myself properly.
  • Less joint pain (particularly in my back, knees and ankles), and less prone to picking up nagging injuries because of the stress on my joints
  • I'm no longer paranoid about people staring at me for being fat.
  • My doctor's very happy with my dramatically lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels!

How long have you kept off your lost weight?

I had an initial target of getting to 189 lbs., which I accomplished 5 months ago, and getting to my revised target of 186 lbs. a few weeks after that.

Please share with the MyNetDiary Community your top three tips to help them on their journeys!

    Top 3 tips:
  • Be patient.
    Don't expect, or even hope, that you'll lose more than 2lbs in a week. It's not healthy and you can't keep up that pace, which may lead to discouragement and the risk of giving up.
  • Don't go on a diet.
    Change your lifestyle in a way that's sustainable. Anything faddish that takes a lot of effort, or involves leaving out entire food groups, is almost impossible to sustain in the long run and may not even be healthy. And you certainly don't need to waste your money on specially-branded diet foods. Normal food is just fine!
  • Track everything.
    If you don't track everything, you're just kidding yourself. Drinks, nibbles, snacks, correct portion sizes...everything. People sometimes feel like if they haven't put it in MyNetDiary then it didn't really happen...but it did! Far better to be honest with yourself, and build in those treats to your calorie allowance. You can build in treats; just don't pretend they didn't happen because it'll just lead to disappointment when you weigh yourself.

Jonathan Pittman

Lost 27lb (15%) and maintained after 217 days

Before MyNetDiary
— My definition of success is lasting weight loss, improved health markers, and increased strength.

What made you decide to lose weight? What was the moment that made it "real"?

I would say the possibility of failing a body composition assessment, which I am required to pass in the Navy.

What diets or programs have you tried in the past? What results did you see with those?

Regular caloric restriction and high meal frequency is what I started out with. I found out that I was rarely satiated, and that was a major issue with me that led to cheating frequently. Then one day after plateauing at a 7 lb. weight loss I was searching and came upon intermittent fasting. I've been doing it with great success ever since.

Tell us how you have made progress so far. What specific changes did you make to your daily routine and lifestyle to achieve success? What strategies did you employ to make calorie tracking work for you?

I only eat breakfast occasionally. Eating breakfast has always made me hungrier the rest of the day. I do strength training for about an hour 2-4 times a week and slow cardio intermittently. I began training on an empty stomach.

How has MyNetDiary been instrumental in your achievements so far?

It helps me to view what I've eaten or want to eat, without bias. Without seeing calories as a total I have the tendency to rationalize overeating, especially sweets.

What roadblocks did you face while losing weight?

Plateauing on regular caloric restrictions and having to work nights. When things at work are slow, I get bored. When I get bored, I feel hungry.

When did you start seeing results? What will be your definition of success?

I feel like I really started seeing results about two months in, after a month of intermittent fasting. My definition of success is LASTING weight loss, improved health markers, and increased strength.

What do you do when you start feeling yourself slipping?

I re-read some of the fitness/nutrition literature that has previously inspired me.

What have been the biggest improvements in your life since losing weight?

Fitting into my uniform better, my regular clothes better, and having a huge increase in self confidence.

How long have you kept off your lost weight?

Changing my lifestyle instead of just "going on a diet"

Please share with the MyNetDiary Community your top three tips to help them on their journeys!

  1. Be consistent
  2. Educate yourself
  3. Find out what works for you
    (i.e. Regular Caloric restriction vs. Caloric restriction achieved via intermittent fasting.)

Julia Orr

Lost 33 lb (20%) and maintained after 860 days

I really can't imagine I'd have been as successful without MyNetDiary.
Not only the tracking, but the community and the Nutritionist on staff are amazing - so knowledgeable and motivational.

What made you decide to lose weight? What was the moment that made it "real"?

The day I had to buy size 14 pants to sit comfortably all day at my office job. I was 39 and decided that there was no way I was going to turn 40 and be unhappy with myself anymore! The next day I started counting calories. A few weeks later, I started exercising at home to videos. That's when I started using MyNetDiary.

Before MyNetDiary

What diets or programs have you tried in the past? What results did you see with those?

I really hadn't tried to lose weight before. Most of my life I'd be relatively thin, but the weight crept on slowly over the years (and then the last 15 pounds or so when I quit smoking in 2009).

Tell us how you have made progress so far. What specific changes did you make to your daily routine and lifestyle to achieve success? What strategies did you employ to make calorie tracking work for you?

Calorie tracking was really the key for me. It taught me just how much I should be eating, reminded me to fill myself with vegetables instead of chips (like I'd grown up doing) and helped me hone in on the right balance of carbs, protein and fats for my body.

How has MyNetDiary been instrumental in your achievements so far?

I really can't imagine I'd have been as successful without MyNetDiary. Not only the tracking, but the community and the Nutritionist on staff are amazing — so knowledgeable and motivational.

What roadblocks did you face while losing weight?

My biggest roadblock was my then-partner's lack of enthusiasm for exercising with me.

When did you start seeing results? What will be your definition of success?

I started seeing results after just a week! My definition of success is having kept the weight off for 2 years now. Once I hit my goal, it was a tough transition for "losing" to "maintaining" but I've hovered in the same 5 pound range for a long time now.

What do you do when you start feeling yourself slipping?

I go back to MND's community and read posts from those just starting out. I also like to look at my weight chart, because it reminds me how far I've come and how much I don't want to be back where I was.

What have been the biggest improvements in your life since losing weight?

I never say no to adventure anymore. Company sponsoring a 5k? Sure I'll run it! Friends want to go for a hike, or dogs want a long walk on the beach? Bring it on!

How long have you kept off your lost weight?

Almost 2 years! I still can't believe it sometimes...

Please share with the MyNetDiary Community your top three tips to help them on their journeys!

Believe in your plan. There are plateaus (long and short) and there will be setbacks that you can't explain, but the weight WILL keep coming off if you stick with it. It's all one big math problem, and if you're definitely making a deficit, the pounds will come off.

Don't totally deprive yourself of foods you like. Portion them instead. Love beer, chips or ice cream? Have it once a week and just a serving size. Adjust your daily calories to allow for it. It's much easier to stick with healthy eating if you don't feel like you're giving up everything.

Buy smaller plates and bowls. I eat meals on salad plates and snacks from rice bowls that look full with less food on/in them. Even knowing that I'm doing it, the trick still works on my brain.

Matthew Warner

Lost 29lb (14%) and maintained after 379 days

Before MyNetDiary
I used your product religiously for two years and it made a huge difference in my health and happiness

What made you decide to lose weight? What was the moment that made it "real"?

Like many overweight people, the weight gain crept up on me over the years until facing my mirror image produced negative emotions. I remembered from my high school health classes that the most effective way to lose weight was through the use of a food journal, so I searched 'food journal' on iTunes. I was surprised to find that such a comprehensive tool existed.

There were several moments in my weight journey that made it feel real. The first several weeks, I got very excited seeing my results line up nearly exactly to what MyNetDiary predicted for me. Crossing the line from obese to overweight on the BMI scale was a wonderful feeling. Months later, crossing from overweight to normal weight was an even better feeling. Buying a sewing machine and learning to tailor my own clothes after discovering that not one article of my old wardrobe fit was about as real as weight loss gets.

What diets or programs have you tried in the past? What results did you see with those?

I was on the wrestling team in high school and was encouraged to cut weight. My teammates accomplished this by starving and dehydrating themselves. I lost weight alongside my teammates, but left with an unhealthy level of misinformation. I avoided acknowledging that I needed to lose weight in the years that followed because I was convinced that grueling exercise and saint-like self-deprivation were the only effective means at my disposal. Thankfully, MyNetDiary set me straight!

Tell us how you have made progress so far. What specific changes did you make to your daily routine and lifestyle to achieve success? What strategies did you employ to make calorie tracking work for you?

I bought a personal scale and a food scale and measured just about everything I ever ate. I learned to cook and took up running. All these changes occurred very gradually and of my own volition. Having the information that keeping a food journal provides will inevitably lead to making smarter, healthier decisions.

How has MyNetDiary been instrumental in your achievements so far?

MyNetDiary gave me a steering wheel and a road map so that I could take control of my weight. At first, MND opened my mind to the caloric contents of everything I put in my body. This led me to reading a lot of nutrition and fitness literature.

I taught myself how to cook and now I cook almost every meal I consume. I no longer need to use my food scale because having measured everything for so long, I can eyeball measurements and regurgitate caloric facts like it's a superpower. My cooking is wicked-delicious, by the way.

After a year on MyNetDiary, I felt fit enough to run. I had always hated running -- after all, it's used as punishment in every other sport! At first, I was struggling to run a mile and my only motivation was to nudge the slope of the line displayed on my MND weight loss chart. Eventually, however, I discovered that I love running! I can run three miles before I break a sweat, six before I get winded, and ten before my leg muscles start to tire. That, too, feels like a superpower.

MyNetDiary is more than a food journal. It's behavior modification through information.

What roadblocks did you face while losing weight?

I had a surprisingly smooth experience with my weight loss. I set realistic goals, rarely faltered in tracking my calories, and trudged through with the long run in mind. There were weeks when I'd gain instead of lose, but they were mostly followed by weeks wherein I'd lose double. Viewing my weight loss from the long run perspective meant that my emotions were never tied up in any single weigh in.

When did you start seeing results? What will be your definition of success?

I saw results immediately. My definition of success has been a moving target. At first I just wanted to get out of the obese range on the BMI scale. Then I wanted to get to the normal weight range. Then I wanted to have a body fat percentage low enough to have visible abs. I accomplished all of these goals in exactly the timeframe that MyNetDiary predicted. Currently, I'm a bit heavier than I was when my abs finally started poking out from behind my belly fat, but I am very happy with my body and have the tools and knowledge to stay that way.

What do you do when you start feeling yourself slipping?

I didn't experience those feelings. I'm kind of nerdy so I love charts and graphs and raw data! Keeping up with my food journal was a hobby that I really came to enjoy and I've spent hours pouring over the spreadsheet data MND let me export via the website. I allowed myself to indulge on occasion as long as I kept track of it, because overwhelmingly my habits would trend toward weight loss. With that in mind, my indulgences never felt like slipping but rather living my life alongside my weight loss adventure.

What have been the biggest improvements in your life since losing weight?

I feel good looking in the mirror. My ego and confidence have experienced a massive upward swing due largely to the stream of compliments I started to receive once I started nearing the 16% body fat range. I can run, rock climb, mountain bike, and swim for pleasure now! I receive more consistent positive attention from the opposite sex than ever before in my life. My house rattling snore is gone. I enjoy clothes shopping. I enjoy being shirtless at the beach or pool. Cooking has become my favorite hobby. I learned to tailor my old fat clothes and I really enjoy that too. This may be over-sharing, but I have complete control of my sexual endurance now. That's a lot of improvements!

How long have you kept off your lost weight?

It took me two years of gradual, consistent weight loss to get to where I am today. It's been eight months since I took the training wheels off and started keeping a mental estimate of my daily caloric intake instead of relying on MND. I have gained back a few pounds, but nothing to fret over. MyNetDiary has taught me that all I have to do to control my weight is set a goal and pay attention to what I consume and expend!

Please share with the MyNetDiary Community your top three tips to help them on their journeys!

  1. Measure your food. Accuracy is important. 100 calories here and there may seem insignificant, but 100/day is roughly 10 pounds per year. MND is all about information. If your information is not accurate then the tool is less effective.
  2. Track everything! This is especially important starting out. It's good to know how many calories is in a 5 second spray of Pam cooking spray versus a tablespoon of oil. Being obsessive about tracking your food will keep you from faltering and, if you're like me, you'll come to enjoy the obsession.
  3. Remove your emotions from the process, especially negative emotions. It's difficult not to kick yourself a bit when a weigh in shows a gain. And it's almost impossible not to give yourself a pat on the back when is shows a loss, but tying your emotions positively to the overall process instead of every little weigh in or tracked day will keep you sane throughout.

Tony Bearden

Lost 41 lb (18%) and maintained after 942 days

You must know exactly what you're consuming in order to understand what you need to change

What made you decide to lose weight? What was the moment that made it "real"?

The health fair at my job recorded my weight at 235, blood pressure at 144/90, and my cholesterol at 220 in the fall of 2009. As the father of nine children, I wanted to be able to keep up with them and be there when they grew older.

What diets or programs have you tried in the past? What results did you see with those?

Typically low fat. I also tried Akins/low-carb diet for about 2 months in 2003. I lost a bit of weight, but couldn't stick to them.

Tell us how you have made progress so far. What specific changes did you make to your daily routine and lifestyle to achieve success? What strategies did you employ to make calorie tracking work for you?

I'm actually around 185, as my running has decreased during the heat of a Texas summer. I am starting a new training regimen for a half-marathon in December. I expect to get my weight back to the 175 range.

I basically stopped eating out, specifically fast food, unless it was a healthy sandwich from Subway (turkey and veggie, veggie, etc.). I started eating breakfast (mainly oatmeal), cut my caloric intake and started exercising. I started walking a mile or two daily, then worked up to running/walking on a treadmill and switched to running outside when I wore out my treadmill. I use MyNetDiary app on my iPhone to track my caloric intake. You have to do this to be successful.

How has MyNetDiary been instrumental in your achievements so far?

It gave me a robust, easy to use application on my iPhone to track my caloric intake, exercise, etc., that made it easy to stick to a plan.

What roadblocks did you face while losing weight?

I love to eat, especially bad stuff (sweets, breads, etc.). Giving up soft drinks was another one that was difficult.

When did you start seeing results? What will be your definition of success?

Pretty much within the first few weeks. I was really dedicated and when I lost about 10 pounds; it really motivated me to continue. My definition would be the way I feel, the ability to keep up with kids, the ability to wear clothing sizes I hadn't be able to in years, and the compliments from friends and family, as well as their encouragement.

What do you do when you start feeling yourself slipping?

Refocus and examine where I need to make changes. Currently, with the extra 10 pounds or so I've gained, I know I've been slacking in the food area, so I need to be more diligent in what I'm consuming. Plus, refocus my exercise plans. I don't panic, I just remind myself what I felt and looked like when I wasn't healthy and that motivates me enough to get back on track.

What have been the biggest improvements in your life since losing weight?

The ability to do activities with my family, like hiking, working around the house, without getting exhausted. Just having the thrill of finishing a half-marathon.

How long have you kept off your lost weight?

Right at 2 years now.

Please share with the MyNetDiary Community your top three tips to help them on their journeys!

  1. Track EVERYTHING you put in your mouth. You must know exactly what you're consuming in order to understand what you need to change in terms of caloric consumption.
  2. Get active, walk, swim, something every day to burn calories and get your body moving. Start slow and set incremental goals. Can't walk a mile, start with a half mile and then start adding slowly.
  3. Don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day or slip up. You can start fresh tomorrow or the next meal. Focus on the long term goals and what you want to be like long term.

Rick White

Lost 91 lb (30%) and maintained after 881 days

Before MyNetDiary
I went body surfing for 4 hours straight with my 28 year old son and felt great!

What made you decide to lose weight? What was the moment that made it "real"?

The "moment" was my pending 60th birthday.
Having been obese for the past 20 years and over-weight for 30, I wanted to enter the later years with a more healthy lifestyle.
The realization that health care costs can be confronted by an appropriate weight and lifestyle was a major consideration.

What diets or programs have you tried in the past? What results did you see with those?

All of them?
Atkins multiple times; Weight Watchers; Miami. Calorie counting.
Some loss – followed by a rapid return of the lost weight.

Tell us how you have made progress so far. What specific changes did you make to your daily routine and lifestyle to achieve success? What strategies did you employ to make calorie tracking work for you?

90 lbs.+ loss with intent to lose another 15 as I learn to maintain.
Changes – EXERCISE 2 hours a day six days a week, 1 hour on the 7th.
Changes – writing down EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth; using my smart phone to record the calories mostly. Recording all exercise also.
When eating out, check calorie counts before ordering to plan the meal accordingly.
Remembering what worked as I go; example – some portions can be larger than others (sweet potatoes vs mashed potatoes).
Sugar free Jell-O pudding with skim milk for a sweet finish to a meal.

How has MyNetDiary been instrumental in your achievements so far?

  • Convenient tool for answering questions of calorie counts, recording data.
  • Tracking progress and setbacks visually.

What roadblocks did you face while losing weight?

  • Biggest roadblocks: family and friends. Once I got past a certain point, my success has become a source of unspoken frustration. "Eating out with you used to be fun…" as they order and eat three plates of fried food.
  • Fighting some deep-seeded behaviors. A one pound bag of potato chips used to be a single serving. Cookies – why not 5 or 6?
  • I have realized that your cravings never really go away, even with success. You have to constantly be aware of both the food and the exercise.

When did you start seeing results? What will be your definition of success?

Within a month, when clothes began to fit better.

What do you do when you start feeling yourself slipping?

  • Make sure I am recording EVERYTHING.
  • Looking closely at what I have recorded to find where I have gotten sloppy.
  • Look at the graph depicting weight loss.

What have been the biggest improvements in your life since losing weight?

  • Energy and a much higher level of fitness. I went body surfing for 4 hours straight with my 28 year old son and felt great!
  • Personal appearance, especially for my age.

How long have you kept off your lost weight?

It's been 2 and a half years.

Please share with the MyNetDiary Community your top three tips to help them on their journeys!

  • Plan your meals and make good choices when eating out.
  • Write it down; use a smartphone if possible so the process is immediate.
  • Exercise.

Joe Balfe

Lost 65lb (20%) and maintained in 216 days

Before MyNetDiary
— MyNetDiary helps me know exactly how many calories I consume

What made you decide to lose weight? What was the moment that made it "real"?

I saw the documentary, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, and it inspired me go back on a diet. At the start, I was on 9 different medications for diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. My goal was to get off medication. About a month after starting my diet, my work announced a weight loss competition. I signed up and this gave me some extra incentive to keep going.

What diets or programs have you tried in the past? What results did you see with those?

Weight Watchers. I have always had success while on the program, but once I reach my goal I just go back to old habits and pack the pounds back on.

Tell us how you have made progress so far. What specific changes did you make to your daily routine and lifestyle to achieve success? What strategies did you employ to make calorie tracking work for you?

Burn more calories than you consume. I use MyNetDiary to count my total calories (between 1200-1500 a day). I do 30-60 minutes of cardio 7 days a week (hiking, swimming, elliptical machine, jogging).

How has MyNetDiary been instrumental in your achievements so far?

My only plan is to burn more calories than I consume. MyNetDiary helps me know exactly how many calories I consume and it roughly lets me know how many calories I'm burning.

What roadblocks did you face while losing weight?

I love to eat and I hate to exercise. Going out with friends and family is tough because food is always a part of getting together.

When did you start seeing results? What will be your definition of success?

The first week I saw results. Getting off all of my medication will define success. I started on 9 and I'm down to 3.

What do you do when you start feeling yourself slipping?

Forget about it and re-focus

What have been the biggest improvements in your life since losing weight?

More mobility and less money spent at the pharmacy.

How long have you kept off your lost weight?

6 months and counting.

Please share with the MyNetDiary Community your top three tips to help them on their journeys!

  1. Add an exercise routine. Diet alone does not work for me.
  2. Learn to be an expert food label reader. All foods are not created equal and you can not trust the marketing slogans written on the front of packing. It is all about the calories, and "Low Fat" does not equal low calories.
  3. I only weigh myself once a week. Weighing in daily creates too many ups and downs.


Lost 35lb (22%) and maintained after 535 days

Before MyNetDiary
Success is when people around you ask for some advice to lose weight

What made you decide to lose weight? What was the moment that made it "real"?

I had the feeling that my boyfriend had lost interest in me. I was feeling bad, uncomfortable in my shoes. I had boxes full of nice clothes I could not wear anymore, and very little options to choose how to dress every morning.

My first diet had been a failure : lost weight but regained everything + bonus. :-( So I was not motivated to start the whole thing again.

One day a friend told me : just give it a try and you will see if it works?

I started again. I was not confident and pretty sure I would fail, so I decided to not suffer and keep pleasure through the process.

And I did not fail.

What diets or programs have you tried in the past? What results did you see with those?

Atkins : good and quick results. Bad health. Regained everything + bonus weight :(

Hyper- proteins : good results but did not pay attention to stabilize after the weight loss. Regained weight + bonus, but understood the process.

Tell us how you have made progress so far. What specific changes did you make to your daily routine and lifestyle to achieve success? What strategies did you employ to make calorie tracking work for you?

  • I track everything I eat, even bad food when it happens. Be honest with myself!
  • Eat in the morning (minimum 350 kcal)
  • Drink more water. If possible, drink one glass of water before each meal.
  • Plan meals in advance, especially when traveling.
  • Don't be hungry. When hungry, eat ! But eat safe food (0% yogurts, vegetables, proteins)
  • When eating too much one day (birthday, holidays, diner with friends...), Don't cry!! Just resume your normal diet and everything is back ok within the next five days.
  • At restaurants ask that sauces and creams and vinaigrette are not poured ON the meal, but given in a separate bowl. That way you can control the quantities you eat.
  • Set intermediate goals with rewards. For example : "I do not buy any new clothes until I lose 15 lbs. When that's lost, then I can buy one new dress or piece of clothes. When I lose 25 lbs then I am free to buy whatever I want!!!"
  • Take pictures and compare them while you lose weight.
  • Take care of yourself, love yourself; it is not only a question of weight !!

How has MyNetDiary been instrumental in your achievements so far?

Mynetdiary was the ultimate tool.

Initially, I only tracked major nutrients and calories, then also tracked fibers, calcium....

Watching the weight curve going down is a real motivation.

And I have reached my goal six months ago but I keep on tracking my foods and measurements.

What roadblocks did you face while losing weight?

Friends and family: they do not always understand how serious this can be and careful I have to be.

Stress or depressed periods: in those periods you sometimes feel like you need to eat a lot more than you actually need.

Traveling: very hard to eat healthy food when traveling. Good tip is to bring protein-rich, ready-to-serve foods, and always bring a snack in your bag to be able to wait for the next meal.

When did you start seeing results? What will be your definition of success?

I lost 33 lbs. I must admit that I did not really feel the difference during the first 15 lbs loss. But after 20 lbs it became obvious for everyone. Well... everyone but me !

As you lose weight slowly, you may have the feeling that things are not improving that much. It is important to take pictures and measurements and compare them in order to be aware that things are getting better!

Success is when your boyfriend says WOW!

Success is when you can wear skinny jeans you thought you would never wear again.

Success is when people around you ask for some advice to lose weight.

What do you do when you start feeling yourself slipping?

  • I drink a glass of water.
  • I eat something safe.
  • I go out walking the dog.
  • I clean the house.

What have been the biggest improvements in your life since losing weight?

  • The way I feel.
  • The way people behave with me.
  • And now I love shopping!

How long have you kept off your lost weight?

For six months.

Please share with the MyNetDiary Community your top three tips to help them on their journeys!

  • Do not suffer: keep pleasure in the loop, and take care of yourself. Love yourself!
  • Track your food on MyNetDiary, even during bad days, and plan your meals in advance
  • Set intermediate goals with rewards.


Lost 32lb (24%), maintained after 1467 days, diabetes and pregnancy

Before MyNetDiary
I could have not achieved it without MyNetDiary.

What made you decide to lose weight? What was the moment that made it "real"?

To me, when I hit to over 135 lbs, I felt I couldn't let it go. I had huge self-hatred by being fat and was depressed, but one sunny morning after a health check up, I felt like starting.

What diets or programs have you tried in the past? What results did you see with those?

Recording everything you ate, what exercise you did, and how much you weigh is the key. Recording helps to stop overeating (sometimes) or do more exercise (more exercise, less eating, from my experience). Even if I overeat, I can adjust in a couple of days. It's always great to see the analysis turn green!

Tell us how you have made progress so far. What specific changes did you make to your daily routine and lifestyle to achieve success? What strategies did you employ to make calorie tracking work for you?

I have been using MyNetDiary since 2009. There are times I gained weight and lost (in between, I was pregnant). I never thought I would enjoy doing exercise, but actually I do now. I feel a lot better if I do exercise (i.e. walking, yoga), I dedicate my time to yoga once a day; I try to walk as much as possible, including using stairways if I have the time.

I used to input everything before I cook and now I kind of stopped as I roughly know each calorie of the ingredients, but I still keep all records. However whenever I start gaining weight, I go back to the basics: measure exactly how much I eat as opposed to 'guessing.'

How has MyNetDiary been instrumental in your achievements so far?

It is the key component. I could have not achieved it without MyNetDiary.

What roadblocks did you face while losing weight?

I love eating. I got gestational diabetes and then it did not cure after the delivery. Since I have it, I practice low-carb. One downside of low-carb (to me) is that it is very tough to feel 'full'. Also, sometimes something I ate triggers binge eating.

When did you start seeing results? What will be your definition of success?

It is tough to tell. Weight is just one measurement. My definition of success is to maintain an ideal weight / fat ratio / body style for life. Perhaps my goal is to be able to listen to my body and mind that I am happy while I enjoy what I eat. Better or worse, you are what you eat, really.

What do you do when you start feeling yourself slipping?

I tried to say myself that you eat as if there is tomorrow as supposed to eat as if there is no tomorrow.
Show myself in the mirror and measure weight / fat ratio.
Wear some tight clothes the next day after I ate too much.

What have been the biggest improvements in your life since losing weight?

I could have my wedding at a normal weight and could keep a healthy weight during my pregnancy.

How long have you kept off your lost weight?

In normal BMI range since I started using MyNetDiary. Now I am the bottom of normal BMI range.

Please share with the MyNetDiary Community your top three tips to help them on their journeys!

  1. Record everything honestly.
  2. Eat well and enjoy good food and do exercise.
  3. Be happy. Stress is one of the biggest enemies.